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Shave Months Off of Your Overall Construction Schedule

With Light-weight Building Systems Inc., schedule benefits are a major plus when comparing to cast-in-place concrete structures:

  • There is a reduced labour force required to assemble the LBS structural framing system. This benefits everyone, especially in locations where formwork labour contractors are scarce, out of town and/or in high demand.

  • Our installation minimizes costly weather delays as we are pre-fabricated for the most part in environmentally controlled fabrication plants.

  • There is a reduced cost for hoarding and heating as our exterior walls come with hoarding attached (sheathing) and the only time heating is required is during the suspended slab pours (if needed at all). Pre-applied sheathing saves time and cost.

  • With concrete – shoring is a requirement. Shoring is a very large cost. Availability is always a concern and it impacts the structure schedule as a timeline for erection. The interior and exterior trades also need to wait until the shoring is removed. This can have a negative effect on your schedule and add months to the overall completion. With LBS – a few days (1 to 4) and the floor area is 100% turned over to the following trades.

  • Exterior walls are complete and ready for windows and exterior trades immediately after the floor is completed.

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